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Thurs May 9th - 6pm - 9:30pm

Wed May 29th - 6pm - 9:30pm

This is a highly detailed and technical class class that is geared towards students who are passionate about making great sourdough bread at home. The class is 3.5 hours and is limited to only 10 students so each person will receive plenty of hands on attention. In this course you will learn to:

  1. Perfect your artisan sourdough home baking

  2. Refine your understanding of sourdough starter and fermentation

  3. Mix a batch of whole grain organic sourdough bread to proper gluten development

  4. Shape your loaf with professional technique to result in maximum spring and crumb

  5. Score your loaf right before baking to create a personal style

Each student will leave class with a loaf of sourdough they scored, a cup of sourdough starter, written equipment lists, formulas, and methods. Please arrive by 5:50pm so we can start the class on time at 6:00! Wine is available to enjoy by-the-glass as an optional add on. There will be a light snack at the end of class as we enjoy a fresh loaf out of the oven. Eating a light dinner before class is recommended.

Please note classes are non-refundable but are transferrable. Please let us know if someone will be attending in your place at

If you’re interested in PRIVATE GROUP classes, send us an email to the above address to set something up.

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